Assisted self-help is online mapping and tools for those who have mild to moderate symptoms of common mental disorders, such as anxiety or depression.
The goal is for you to utilize the time between follow-up calls in the best possible way.
The main focus of the follow-up is what you work on between the conversations.
Before start-up, as a rule, a mapping, and a startup conversation with the professional who will follow you up. If the offer does not exist where you live is it possible to buy access to the tools.
The professional creates a unique and random code, which allows you to access content without sharing your personal data.
We recommend that you download the app from Google Play / AppStore and allows notification.
Then you can receive reminders about appointments and mapping. You also don't have to enter the code each time by selecting "Automatic login".
You can also enter the code in the field on the front of this website.
When logging in for the first time, you will be asked to approve the sharing of data with the business from which you receive follow-up.
You must answer "Yes" if you would like that the professional can see the results of the mapping and follow your development. You can give or withdraw consent at any time under "Settings".
Initial mapping will help to clarify which problems are the most important to address. This is usually carried out as soon as you have contacted the service or gained access to Assistert Self-Help.
We also recommend that you complete a survey along the way, so that you can follow your progress over time.
Many people get access to coping tools that consist of different parts. The tool must be completed step by step: only when the entire section is completed will you be able to access the next section. You get an easy overview of completed and remaining content.
The amount of work in the parts varies. A good starting point can be to carry out one to two parts per week, which are followed up with short, weekly conversations with a professional - by phone, video or in person. Some also offer courses or follow-up in groups.