Seeking help should be easy, but it should also be easy for the health care professionals to offer the help.
All you need to get started with Assisted Self-Help is the Internet! The tools are based on well known methods and creates a common platform for collaboration between the user and the health care professional.
Assistert Selvhjelp AS is the company behind We create socially beneficial solutions and technologies within health, research and education. We wish to contribute in order for individuals and the society to receive simpler and more efficient services, with a potential for a significant social improvement in the future.
We wish to increase the ability of the society to offer early mental health care to the large proportion of people who receive little to no help, as well as improve the conduction of research and education.
Assistert Selvhjelp AS consists of 3 full-time employees in Norway, equipped with relevant expert knowledge within mental health, innovation and IT - on the basis of both formal education and work experience, as well as 3-4 developers.
Oskar BlakstadClinical Psychologist & Founder
Oskar Blakstad is a clinical psychologist and serial entrepreneur. Assisted Self-Help has been his main focus in recent years, which was awarded "Social Entrepreneur of the Year 2018" in Norway by FERD.
He is an Ashoka fellow, an award for entrepreneurship with societal benefits in focus.
Oscar has previously founded, a research website for students with more than 100 million visitors since 2008. He has led a number of projects concerning development and operation of technology and integration. Oskar is a co-founder and board member of the Psychologists´Association for Digital Health (, which is a sub-association belonging to the Norwegian Psychologists' Association.
Areas: Mental health, Innovation, Technology, Internet, Project management, Research, Implementation of technology in health care
Andreas EidemCEO
Andreas Eidem is the CEO of the company. He has experience in management and project implementation, including both public and non-profit organizations.
Andreas has previously been CEO of the chat service (Chat About Bullying), although until now most of his experience is obtained from the Department of Mental Health at Sørlandet Hospital, from where he possesses extensive experience with patient follow-up, cognitive therapy, project management and administrative management in the area of mental health / digitization. He has a master's degree in Sports Science and MBA, with further education in cognitive therapy.
Areas: Mental health, Early intervention, Technology, Strategy, Personnel management, Project management, Finance, IT, Privacy, Quality assurance.
Pål Fylling HellandSubject manager
Pål Fylling Helland is a psychologist specialized in drug- and addiction psychology.
He possesses extensive experience both as a clinical psychologist, as well as with project management for the Blue Cross and Healthy Specialist. within e-health.
Paul is a widely used instructor in motivational interviewing (MI), in addition to further education in group therapy.
He shows great commitment to using e-health tools in make everyday-life easier for health professionals, who in turn are able to provide better help to more people.