We are very satisfied with AssistertSelvhjelp.no, and this tool helps us to
avoid waiting lists.
This was told by Lesley Ann Assersen, who is a psychologist at Rapid Mental Health Care (RPH) in
Randaberg municipality when AssistertSelvhjelp.no was visiting. Assersen had invited
several other health-related services in the municipality, who attended to find out more about
the low-threshold offer and the experiences in RPH.
By Andreas Eidem - email: andreas@assistertselvhjelp.no
There are better things to do than waiting for the next class.
AssistertSelvhjelp.no is an online self-help program for the treatment of mental disorders, such as
makes the follow-up far more efficient in terms of resource use. A main element of
the solution is that it requires the user to make a greater personal effort, and on this
the way they gain greater ownership of their own improvement process.
The founder behind the solution is Psychologist Oskar Blakstad, who has worked hard to ensure the quality of the solution's academic content.
Although we receive good feedback from therapists and users on the self-help courses,
does not mean that they are better than follow-up from professionals would be. We still believe that many
users understand that they are sitting on a larger part of the solution than they might have thought. When
the low-threshold services are so popular, this is an ideal solution that ensures that more
get help, says Blakstad.

Inviting course content
RPH in Randaberg consists of 3 employees, who basically offer a service for a
population base of 11,000 inhabitants.
Our experience is that AssistertSelvhjelp.no means that fewer people need individual follow-up
after completed basic offer with us, says Assersen.
Because the user can "take control", including through the possibility of working from home,
this solution also helps to reduce the threshold for receiving help. Through the courses
mental illness is rendered harmless, and it is reassuring to discover that many others are struggling
with much of the same. After completing the courses, many people say:
"Why didn't we talk about these things at school?", Assersen elaborates.
There are many users who say that the solution is "inviting". They point out that
there is varied content, that they create recognition and "normalise" the condition, and that
are many illustrations that make it easier to understand concepts. This has been great
help for them, says Roy Halvorsen, who is a social worker at RPH. He refers to tests such as
are carried out before and after the courses which concretely show that the courses help.
What is so good about the courses is that they are so concrete and practically oriented. They are right and
simply nutritious, adds Assersen.
Experiences from Randaberg
- AssistertSelvhjelp.no is offered to almost all users, along with courses such as
carried out in groups - Therapist and user sign a guidance contract before starting, which is intended to
clarify mutual expectations, and which contributes to increased commitment to carry out. - Both therapists and users say that the courses are easy to use and provide great practicality
useful value - Validated measurement tools are used before and after implementation, so that you have targets
useful value - Fewer people need further individual follow-up after the basic offer has been completed
courses and self-help.