- Large selection of tools
- Nye tools are added at no extra cost
- Easier overview for professionals
- Possibility of adaptations according to local needs
All new tools fixed price
Based on feedback from professionals, we know that it is important to have a selection of topics that can meet the challenges that users report. This gives both professionals and users flexibility and the opportunity to focus on the issues, topics and methods that suit them best. We are planning to launch 8 new tools during 2021.
See overview of all available tools in Assistert+ here
We will continue to create tools related to topics that are in demand, but with such a large production, we know that it will be cumbersome for professionals to constantly have to request funds to add new tools. Therefore, the price model for Assistert+ will be based on a fixed price based on the expected number of users per year, and new tools that are launched for the target group will be available as they are developed, at no extra cost:
The target group is users of mental health - the age group 16+ who use services within mental health (such as RPH/Early admission etc). Tools aimed at other services such as Friskliv, NAV or other types of municipal services, or other target groups such as young people, relatives, will not be included.
Our most used tools have become easier and better
Tools that were launched before 2021 have undergone a revision that is only available in Assistert+. To give the best possible overview, we have created a simple and fixed structure, and we reuse certain parts across tools. We have also created guides or "quick guides" for professionals to all the tools. This will improve and simplify follow-up.

Professionals want to use their expertise, and want greater ownership of treatment plans that they can influence themselves.
Oskar Blakstad, Founder and Psychologist
Tailor-made solutions
Many have requested the option of creating their own tailored solutions for both mapping and subject content in the tools. That is why we emphasized this when we developed Assistert+. It is the professionals locally who know the local needs best, and not least have detailed knowledge of the individual user's needs on the road to recovery. This will help to make the tools even more relevant and useful for those who want to utilize the functionality.
These are completely optional functions, and for those of you who want the simplest possible, we keep the standard setup.
With Assistert+, the business can adapt the solution as needed. In addition, professionals can both create and share content with users in a simple way. We also want to create a culture of sharing between healthcare services, so that as many as possible can benefit from initiatives and good solutions that are developed based on practical everyday work.
Know more? Send an email to kontakt@assistertselvhjelp.no